The recruitment industry should be more involved with future skills policy in the UK, which may benefit those looking for new trust jobs.
According to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), agencies should be permitted to "feed into" the training process as they are at the "forefront" of the jobs market.
Similarly, the organisation is calling for a simplified funding structure, better vocational training and improved collaborations between the government, sector skills councils and recruitment firms.
Tom Hadley, director of policy and professional services at the REC, said the body wants to work with the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills "to ensure it is aware of the expertise and value professional recruiters bring to making young jobseekers aware of the opportunities available in sectors where there are skills shortages".
If enterprises are looking for new and skilled employees to fill employment gaps, Chris Smith recently explained in an article for Real Business that they should enlist the help of existing workers to find suitable candidates.